So we were sitting on our patio, on a bright lunch hour, when I noticed something up at the top of the hill. I've talked about our backyard before, the tree filled hillside that offers different levels of our summer sanctuary.
The neighbors house in the back is five levels up from our back yard. We can just see the top of the house over the edge of the dirt and trees. With the trees in bloom you can't even see the neighbors that line the street behind us. It's actually quite nice to have a privacy screen provided by mother nature herself.
I was facing said hillside when just to the left of one of the top-most trees, a shadow of movement caught my eye. I tried to, on the sly, watch the treeline, while still talking to LTR. Sure enough, someone was squatting behind a tree, knees bent, head in the 'Y' of the tree.
Smooth as I am, I stopped mid sentence and said to Laura, "I think there is someone watching us from the top of the hill." Laura being even smoother, turned around immediately and looked up the hill.
The knee that I had seen, pulled in behind the tree and the round head dropped out of the split of the tree and ducked down.
Through the course of our conversation the head would pop up and watch us. There are very few times when I feel "frail" as a woman. At 5"10' and an ex-professional football player, you tend to There aren't a lot of folks that I feel threatened by or intimidated around.
A creepy shadow watching a house with two women who live there.....I was feeling a lil uneasy.
LTR texted me the next afternoon to let me know that it seemed there were now two figures up at the top of the hill.
She didn't want to sit out there if they were going to stare at her the whole time. I said, "You sit on the patio and face the hill!" No one was going to make me itchy in my own space!
Sure enough, after a lil while, they figures left.
My question is this: if they are kids, why the HELL aren't they in school? Why are there always kids out of school? I wasn't allowed to even THINK about leaving campus! And I lived, no lie, half a block from school!
I know...I know...I'm starting to sound like an old fart, "You pesky kids get off my lawn!"
In the mean time, I'm going to ask my co-worker if he's still has those paint ball guns of his. I'm thinking bright pink splatter might mark my territory a bit for the shadow figures to get the hint.
Entertaining story :) Thanks for sharing...ah, and a use for paintball guns! Brilliant!