Have you heard about this Rev. Long (unfortunate name for what he's accused of)? I was watching it on the news and it was pretty much your standard "big religious guy grooming teenage boys for sexual favors".
I know, sad that is a 'standard' story in this day and age.
Now...nothing makes me madder...we've been over this. I think kiddie diddlers should be shot on sight (as well as turds that hurt animals...but that's another blog).
Then they said in the news report, "...he lured the boys with luxuries like: rides in the Reverend's Royal Royce, trips in his Leer Jet and jewelry..."
Now...I know this Long dude is the preacher for one of these mega churches..but I'm pretty sure Jesus cruised around in sandals. Jesus sure didn't fly in a jet. And ya know what...he sure as shit didn't have no jewelry!
You know what the biggest crime is here...that "men of the cloth" abuse their power and preach to folks about how they should be humble. THAT'S the real crime. This jack ass has pix in his bathroom with gold faucets and a bath tub that looks like a swimming pool. I'm sorry...but that's WRONG!
Not the pix...but the fact his bathroom cost more than I'll ever see in my lifetime!
Papa Ratzi ain't no better. The Pope sits on his gold throne, with his fur capes and handmade Italian shoes and tells his penniless priests and nuns to kiss his big-ass gold ring.
All the good the church does is built on the backs of those priests and nuns! Scraping together a few bucks to put on programs for the neighborhood kids and fund local charities. (they got issues too, but it's still a HUGE charitable organization)
And yet, the Pope stands in his lil window in the Vatican and tells his people to cinch their belts and offer it up to God. Then someone carries his silk train of his fancy gowns and takes a nap on is million thread count sheets and dreams of....well lets not go there.
It makes me sick.
All you "holy men" talking about who God would punish and send to hell.....better take stock. You might be surprised that the afterlife for you....is lil "warmer" then you're expecting.