About Me

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In my 40's and in the midst of love with my wife, ever after. I've been told I'm funny, in more ways than one. I love to laugh but love to make people laugh more. And I'm in a constant state of missing my family, but smile through the homesickness. Feel free to leave me a comment...so I know someone cares.

Monday, September 13, 2010

"This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime." ~The Bridges of Madison County

Finally....I can blog about this: We got married!

That's right, on the beach in MA, exchanged rings and vows, married.

We were kinda keeping it a lil hush hush cuz we figured no one, after us being together 14 years, wouldn't consider it a blip on the radar.

How wrong we were!

We were greeted with gasps of joy, tears of happiness and hugs of cheer. And in this age of social media, the comments went on for days with well wishes from our FB family and friends.

The day you relize your gay, there are a lot of images that dissapear from your brain that are not available to you. The wedding scene is really no longer a thing you can dream about. Oh...sure...you can do a ceremony. You can go thorugh the motions. But you always know that it's not legal. The 1,400 laws that protect your married friends and family are not for you.

While we took the extra step to legally bind ourselves to one another, with lawyer's fees others don't have to pay, we still didn't have the bulk of benefits that others have with just a simple ceremony.

There are only 6 states in the US that allow same sex marriage. We decided, since we were vacationing there anyway, why not get married on the Cape. Why not make it legal and do it up right?

NY recognizes marriages from other states that have same-sex unions. So why not? We've been trying to hold out for NY to do the right thing, but they missed their chance and who knows what will happen with a new Governer?

So on the beach we stood, Justice of the Peace speaking words we wrote, holding hands as the sun set in front of us.

Just me and the wife.


  1. An Irish Blessing! Congrats! from Anne & Kathy
    Faith to uphold you,
    Love to enfold you,
    Laughter to light up each day,
    Smiles on your faces,
    Goodness and graces,
    For all of these blessings we pray.

  2. So happy for both of you :-)

  3. Thanks everyone. We are still on cloud 9!

  4. Congratulations! How wonderful. I might be partial (being from MA) but the cape beaches are some the of prettiest, what a perfect backdrop to an amazing day for you both. So happy this dream was able to be realized for you- it's too bad it's only available in a handful of states... but that will change, I hope.

  5. We were lucky Earl passed through just in time, but left us some great clouds to work with. Thanks for commenting!



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