About Me

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In my 40's and in the midst of love with my wife, ever after. I've been told I'm funny, in more ways than one. I love to laugh but love to make people laugh more. And I'm in a constant state of missing my family, but smile through the homesickness. Feel free to leave me a comment...so I know someone cares.

Friday, March 13, 2009

snap crackle pop

I've been going to the chiropractor for sometime now. The round about way I got there is kinda funny. I went due to horrible back pains in the middle of the night. No....not back pain....

Searing fires of hell burning my bones out of my body!

Ya...like that.

I figure it's something I did playing tackle football on the California beaches. At the same time I'm having chronic tonsillitis and seeing a throat specialist. Per usual he couldn't do anything for the swollen baby potatoes in the back of my throat that constantly made me sound like Brando in the Godfather.

I was a skeptic of the chiro. Every ones heard the stories of strokes and injuries from snapping a neck in half. I was raised to think they weren't real doctors, unless your pronounced it "Witch Doctor".

But I went....and after my first adjustment, which sounded like the Chinese army marching over bags of Lays chips, I sat at my desk and felt my tonsils drain for the first time. The chiro sent me to my regular Dr. for a check up, cuz he noticed that the area of my spine that was out, was connected to my gallbladder....and lo....I had gallstones!

So with one chiro appt, I managed to clear up a number of ailments that I was living with.

I became a believer. I went faithfully every week. A ten minute session had my head turning at a 90 degree angle again, easing back pain and keeping me from getting colds through the flu season!

I have been spotty at best going, these days. Lately I've been a mess. I realized that my office chair seat was at a weird angle, throwing off my back a lil more every day I sat there. So I asked to get a new chair, first off. And man....does that make a difference! My back was happier already! But when my two index fingers went number, I figured I should still seem my friendly neighborhood chiropractor.

A trip to the movie theater and sitting in the front row, hitting my head, not once, but twice, low hanging pipes in the basement of the bar I work at, and the chair being off, all contributed to pinching a nerve that cut off the feeling to my fingers!

I either need to go to the chiro more often, or quit being such a clutz!

That being said, after my adjustment, I not only felt two inches taller, but my mood lifted so much! I had felt depressed and grumpy. When I got back to work a co-worker asked if I had been drinking, I was so chipper. Who would have thought...a spine aligned makes all the difference!

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