About Me

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In my 40's and in the midst of love with my wife, ever after. I've been told I'm funny, in more ways than one. I love to laugh but love to make people laugh more. And I'm in a constant state of missing my family, but smile through the homesickness. Feel free to leave me a comment...so I know someone cares.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The sound.....of silence....

There is nothing sadder than getting ready for lunch, deciding what you're going to get, walking to your car, putting in the key....and NOTHING.

Not start. No turn over. Dead.

The silliest part of all? I have to call AAA and wait an hour for them to show up and tow my car, literally, across the street. They almost didn't come get me cuz there wasn't enough miles for them to tow.

"Are you within your 5 mile limit?"

"I'm 1/32 of a mile."

"Pardon me?"

"I'm looking at the dealership as I talk to you."

"Well...I guess that's within your 5 miles."

Really? You're just guessing that? Amazing.

The next part of this equation is that I never actually got to lunch. Something happens to your mind when you were off to find lunch and now, not only aren't you going to lunch, but you probably aren't getting lunch at ALL today.

That...for a big grrl that loves food as much as I, is torture.

While I'm waiting for A3 to show, I'm surfing on line and low and behold, every pop up ad is for some fast food restaurant. I decided to stop surfing and stared out the window, under the guise of looking for the tow truck. A large van parked outside from a grocer with lovely four color rendering of their sub shop on the side of it.

I would stare at my shoes, but even those are toasty brown like a loaf of bread.

See...I'm a mess!

I sent out a S.O.L (shit! out of lunch) text to co-workers out in the city, who owe me favors like you wouldn't believe. It's funny how, when folks owe you something you never seem to hear back from them. Hmmm.

Ever notice how a fire truck looks like a hot dog?

AAA better get here soon. My wallet looks like a hamburger and my AAA card is inside....looking like...mayo.

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