About Me

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In my 40's and in the midst of love with my wife, ever after. I've been told I'm funny, in more ways than one. I love to laugh but love to make people laugh more. And I'm in a constant state of missing my family, but smile through the homesickness. Feel free to leave me a comment...so I know someone cares.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So it begins...

I finally got to gettin' my 'Ween on yesterday.

We went to a friend's camp up in the Adirondacks over the weekend. And it was fresh-Fall, right in your face. The smells, the morning frost, the trees in umber, amber and red. It was fantastic to stand in the middle of a leaf strewn path and inhale the crisp, mossy air.

We came back early on Monday, which I took off, and I managed to find some corn stalks to put up in the front of the house. It still freaks me out a bit that I live 15 min from farms. $2 pumpkins, cornstalks...when were were kids, my folks had to take out a loan to get this stuff in CA.

I tossed some lights on the stalks and placed some pumpkins at their base and moved onto another project: Spooky Town!

The residents are all happy now that the lil haunted village is up and running with a flip of a switch. The fountain in the middle of town mists and Dr. Tingle's flashes with lightning. Sigh...all is well.

What next? Well how bout a project?

I took to cutting up lengths of PVC for my candle project. I saw this on-line and thought, "Easy enough!" and I could use some candles for the window display. I keep wanting to put real ones, but I use a backdrop to cut out the light and I'm scared I'm going to set the place on fire!

The next step was placing foam inserts into each tube, so that the battery tea lights won't fall through. Hot glued those. THEN it was time to play with "Liquid Cotton Candy", or as it said on the can: GreatStuff sealer.

This is just that aerosol can of goo that you spray into cracks and it foams up. This is how I'm making the melting wax on the candles. It really was gooey and odd to work with. Thank Oprah I had gloves on. By the time I was done, all my fingers were stuck together.

But I did my best and I'll have to check out how it dried tonight. This is before the stuff set:

Tonight will be spray painting the candles white. I'm thinking about getting a tan color as well to make some antique shading on them. I will just need a nice piece of old, knotty cord to tie them all up with and it will be done!

Now if I could get really good at cranking these babies out, I could sell them on Etsy.com or something. But I'm not sure how many more times I would want to saw that damn PVC pipe.

I guess I could give up my arm workout routine...hmmmm...something to think about!

More pix tomorrow.


  1. Those are looking good - love the way you grouped them!

    Looking forward to seeing them finished.


  2. I'm bummed I didn't get to paint them last night. I hate when there is a project in the basement and I can't get to it. It's like the Tell Tale Heart: I can hear it mocking me through the floorboards.

  3. Nice props, I like them I think they are perfect for Halloween Parties, speaking of Halloween I found this website http://www.thatsmyface.com/f/masks that can create a super-realistic mask of anyone from just a photo. Imagine going as yourself, your boss, your favorite celebrity or worst enemy to a Halloween party?!



“oh shit it's shit” ― Stephen King, Different Seasons

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