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In my 40's and in the midst of love with my wife, ever after. I've been told I'm funny, in more ways than one. I love to laugh but love to make people laugh more. And I'm in a constant state of missing my family, but smile through the homesickness. Feel free to leave me a comment...so I know someone cares.

Monday, October 3, 2011

You put up a fence around a grave yard cuz folks are DYING to get in!

I've been looking to upgrade my lil grave yard fence for a while. And since I'm changing up my costume this year, I wasn't going to make anything for my tiny lil haunt. So when I finally got to Spirit's and saw these fence pieces, I thought I would grab a couple. Now...I'm more of a "day-after-the-holiday" shopper at Spirit's, cuz of their crazy prices. But we only have one location near me this year, and it's across town, and they only had a few of these fence pieces. So I'm not sure they would even have them after the fact.

Yes...I'm justifying it.

So after paying more than I would have liked too, I of course come into work to find a stinking coupon! UGH! Don't it figure.

You know when you buy new curtains for a room and then you start looking around and you notice the carpet doesn't really match and that old chair just looks shabby now and you should probably paint. Well.....this morning I woke up and started thinking, which is always a bad thing. "Maybe I should do some pillars for the new fence."

Yes folks, this is how it starts. Now I need to dash to Home Depot and get some lovely pink insulation, some grey paint, some big foam balls from Michael's for the pillar caps and the next few free nights are now booked. I will be holed up in the basement, my wife left to shake her head when folks ask where I am.

I figure, with the projects I've done so far, I'm pretty good with the faux stone. And pillars are just tall boxes, so it won't take THAT long....right?

SIGH....I never start early enough.

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