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In my 40's and in the midst of love with my wife, ever after. I've been told I'm funny, in more ways than one. I love to laugh but love to make people laugh more. And I'm in a constant state of missing my family, but smile through the homesickness. Feel free to leave me a comment...so I know someone cares.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Until children doth us part

Kids are an issue with gay relationships. I'm not talking like 'gaybies' being adopted by gay couples.

Gay couples have Het couples they hang out with. Dinner, movies, parties, fun times. And until it was more common practice for gays to want to "settle down" there would be a divide when the Het couple finally decided to start breeding.

Cuz what happens when folks breed? They start hanging out with other folks that breed. Sharing stories of midnight feedings and vomit on their work clothes. Bonding turns into play dates. Play dates begat dinners. Dinners begat birthday parties. You see the pattern.

And there....in the distances....are your fun Gays. Waving good-bye.

Don't get me wrong. The Hets try to include the Gays. They do! And the Gays LOVE the lil tykes that the breeders bring forth. But when it boils right down to it, there just isn't common ground anymore.

And calling the Gays "Uncle Tim and Uncle Frank" is sweet as all get out. But the truth is they just aren't family. The Gays are spending the weekend in Key West and Hets are loading the mini van with water wings to head to Disneyworld.

It's a sad divide that really can't be helped. And even in this day and age of gays having kids, you'll find that having kids isn't even the same! Two Daddies have different issues than Mom and Dad. While the basics are the same, (midnight feedings and vomit on your work clothes) other things like "Why don't you have a spot for TWO fathers names on the school registration form?" sort of sets them apart again.

While we love our Hets, and we adore our fauxphews & near-nieces, there will always be a divide that, sometimes, love just can't bridge.

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