About Me

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In my 40's and in the midst of love with my wife, ever after. I've been told I'm funny, in more ways than one. I love to laugh but love to make people laugh more. And I'm in a constant state of missing my family, but smile through the homesickness. Feel free to leave me a comment...so I know someone cares.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Why are Mondays hard?

Does Monday just get a bad wrap cuz it's Monday? If we started work on Tuesday, would THAT be the hated day?

Today is hard.

Today is a put-my-head-on-my-keyboard-wrist-rest kinda hard.

I put in my 40 hours a week, like a regular Joe, then I bar tend a couple nights a month. It's not often, but I'm "old" and 5 hours on my feet for a Sunday happy hour makes Monday that much harder.

But it's nice to have a lil folding money in my pocket and some in my secret stash for our Cape escape.

I'm at this point in my life...you know that point where you're running a marathon in knee high mud and you just hit the one mile marker. I'm starting to 'wear out', I think.

I told a co-worker that I 'didn't care' anymore. I'll do whatever they want me to do 'artistically'. I'm not going to fight for what's good art, good design, good outdoor, best for the client, when the client wants the most of his money and the sales guys wants the most sales for his money and, to be honest, the more I do the more for my money.

So who cares?

My co-worker said, "Let's review....your girlfriend has MS, she just lost her job, you have a job that you will probably never advance at, your family is 3000 miles away, your girlfriend also has to have kidney surgery, you, like many don't have enough money to get by, your mother-in-law is coming to "help out" for your girlfriends surgery and you're working two jobs. I'd say you have the right to be miserable."

I know that my problems are hardly anything, in the grand scheme of things. I'm not homeless or have a terrible disease. But it's really relative, isn't it? Wako Jacko had everything a person could ever want and he was the most miserable fuck on the planet. So much so he let himself get so bad he basically killed himself.

The silver lining is that tomorrow is Tuesday. And no one hates Tuesdays.


  1. Ditch the girlfriend. She sounds like a real drag.

  2. Great! Now you just made my Monday THAT much harder!



“oh shit it's shit” ― Stephen King, Different Seasons

You know how you run and run and run and you're always doing and when you finally stop to catch your breath, things around you are al...