About Me

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In my 40's and in the midst of love with my wife, ever after. I've been told I'm funny, in more ways than one. I love to laugh but love to make people laugh more. And I'm in a constant state of missing my family, but smile through the homesickness. Feel free to leave me a comment...so I know someone cares.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A couple projects...

I've been trying my hand at a few lil projects this year for my yard haunt. I had created a ghost for last year, but she needed a lil LED help this year. So she went from this:

To this...after searching e-bay for "LED ghost eyes". (you really CAN find anything on e-bay!)

Can't wait to float her over the graveyard! Which I got the basics set up this weekend as well. I still have to add the new stone I got from Target that has a hole for the fog machine to blow smoke through a demon face etched in the stone. And I want to create a blinking "vancancy" stone to add as well.

The gates to my graveyard:

And the hardest thing...my corpse! Inspired by pumpkinrot and instructed by spookyblue, I'm finding my graphic art background challenged by the 3D medium!

This crusty creep will be peering though my ground-breaking coffin that I made 3 years ago. I've had his arm, clipped to a stake, inside the coffin reaching out for 2 years. It was time the arm had a body to cling too! I just need to age it and seal it and he'll be good to goul!

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