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In my 40's and in the midst of love with my wife, ever after. I've been told I'm funny, in more ways than one. I love to laugh but love to make people laugh more. And I'm in a constant state of missing my family, but smile through the homesickness. Feel free to leave me a comment...so I know someone cares.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The more Christian...the more un-Christian like.

I just came back from marching with 200,000 like minded individuals, down the National Mall, up to the Capitol, in Washington, DC.

It was moving. It was spirit lifting. It was awesome.

I came home to a mother who, over the past few years, has become a scary republichristian. She's always been conservative, but she's walked up to the edge and jumped!

Reality check was when we went to the inauguration and her suggestion was to duck when they started taking shots at "Barrak Hussain Obama". I was SHOCKED! I knew she wasn't going to be crazy about the fact we were going, as her love for Bush was all too well known and she thought Palin was a great mom. I just didn't realize that to her list of "issues" she had added bigot.

A steady diet of Rush and O'Reilly will do that to a person. (I believe both of them should be brought up on treason and intent to incite)

So I saved mummy the pain and suffering of letting her know that we were going for the National Equality March and that my sister Marlo, who jumped at the chance to support me and my partner of 13 years, was going as well. My youngest sister, who still lives by my folks, informed me that when my mom found out I had gone, not only was she unhappy, but said I was "corrupting" my sister.

She's 38....I'm pretty sure she knows what she's doing.

"Our goal in this life is to help people get into heaven. Cabrina isn't doing that for Marlo."


Let's break this down....so not only have I kept Marlo out, but I'm not welcome either? And I suppose the gates will fly right open to a woman who, hates her gay daughter? Or hopes someone kills the president of her own country? Or doesn't want the poor to get health care on her dime? Or uses words like 'nigger or wetback'? Or sends out emails how the blacks were lucky they were owned by whitey? Or stirs up fights with family members over politics and then blames the family member?

Ya...I'm sure God is just waiting for you, and your hate filled heart, to ask to be let in. I think for Mother's day this year, I'll get her a new heart. One that believes that all people are created equal and we should feed and clothe every person and care for the poor and the weak.

I might not be a church going person anymore, but I have a gut feeling that a person that lived a good life treating others as they would themselves, is gonna sail right by someone like my mother, who is white, rich and if you're not living up to her standards, you're not right.

Suite for 1 in the Hades Hotel please!


  1. Great post! Sorry to hear about your mom. :(

    I am always amazed at the amount of hate in the name of god...any god.

    Sad :(

  2. I know...right? And it just hurts even worse when it's your own blood. sigh...what can you do but love them and hope they see the true meaning of love.

  3. You are a great person, what a perfect attitude. You family (despite the current climate) raised a great person. They should be proud.


  4. I thank you..in spite of my mother LOL



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